Shipt x Lewis: Free grocery delivery to healthcare workers.
Most people know Shipt as the friendly start-up delivery service that took off after being acquired by the big leagues – Target – for $550 million back in 2017. Locally in Birmingham, where they are headquartered, we know them as neighbors and friends. Literally. They work across the street from our Birmingham office, and we see them at ZAZA all the time.
When this nasty pandemic began and people were suddenly quarantined in their homes, often afraid to go out for even the basics like groceries, Shipt was there. Big time. Their business went from being a convenience for families to a necessity.
Throughout COVID-19, Shipt has continued to deliver groceries contact free to families all over the country, including some of ours, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the service they’re providing.
But they’re not just providing a convenient service to their regular customers.
While most of us were at home in our pajamas waiting for this health crisis to end, healthcare workers in the U.S. were (and still are) working insane hours and putting their own health at risk to nurse strangers back to health.
Healthcare workers and their families are heroes right now. But everyday Americans can feel pretty powerless in our ability to help them. As an advertising agency with several healthcare clients, we’ve been dedicating endless hours to helping them navigate the current and future state of their business, but it doesn’t feel like enough.
Our healthcare clients and their staff have been working tirelessly to care for their communities. Meanwhile, their families and personal lives have also been greatly affected by all of this chaos. We wanted to find a way to do more for their frontline staff and their families. So we called our friends at Shipt.
We proposed an idea: would they be willing to offer yearly delivery memberships (a $99 value) to our healthcare clients’ employees? They didn’t even bat an eye. They said yes immediately. Shipt ended up providing over 8,000 free yearly grocery delivery memberships to healthcare staff around the nation.
Our team has been blown away by the generosity Shipt has shown during COVID-19. On behalf of all the healthcare employees and their families who will be able to have their groceries delivered for the entire year of 2020, we just want to say “Thank you.”
If you’re nearby our office in downtown Birmingham from July 27 through 31, you’ll see the green Shipt flag flying over our office on 1st Avenue North to honor their generosity and thoughtfulness during this crazy time for healthcare employees everywhere.
**Note from the Editor: Shipt does not yet offer service in every region of the country. Although they would have loved to offer free memberships to every Lewis healthcare clients’ staff, their service operations were not yet available in several of those regions.