HOW profiles design director Roy Burns III.
Lewis Communications' veteran designer Burns, one of four designers in the country selected for HOW magazine's interview series focusing on creatives who've received attention and acclaim later in their careers.
Recently, Lewis Communications' design director Roy Burns III was selected as one of four designers in the country to be profiled in HOW magazine’s online series “The Late Bloomer."
So, what's a late bloomer? Series author John Foster explains. "Like most creative industries, the design field is obsessed with youth. [Late bloomers] are not those who are celebrated as their first printed piece rolls off the presses, but rather those who grind along for a decade or longer — a potent mix of raw talent and determination — with the accolades that follow all the more deserved for the hard work and sacrifices it took in earning them."
“Roy continues to amaze across a wide range of design solutions, [bringing] a fresh outlook, delightful sophistication, and care and craftsmanship at the highest level." — John Foster
The interview with Foster teases out Burns’ passion for packaging and poster design, his 20-plus year career path — including his early and current tours at Lewis — and what he’s learned about his working style along the way.
“Roy continues to amaze across a wide range of design solutions," says Foster. "Whether it's beer packaging, a lecture poster, a campaign for a small stationery shop, or a massive health care initiative; he brings a fresh outlook, delightful sophistication, and care and craftsmanship at the highest level."
This is Burns' second notable appearance in HOW in the last 10 months. His poster series for AIGA Design for Good/American Red Cross was awarded the Poster Design Awards Reader’s Choice Best of Show Award in December as part of HOW’s Sixth Annual Poster Design Awards. As the winner, it will feature in the Fall 2015 issue of HOW magazine.
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Read the full article on HOWdesign.com